类 Date
类 Date 提供存储和操作日历日期的方法。
考虑使用 类 Time 而非类 Date,如果
你需要日期和时间;Date 仅处理日期。
一旦创建,Date 对象就是不可变的,并且无法修改。
创建日期¶ ↑
你可以使用 Date.today
Date.today # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受整数年份、月份和日期。Date.new(1999, 12, 31) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受整数年份和一年中的日期。Date.ordinal(1999, 365) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受整数儒略日。Date.jd(2451544) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受整数商业数据(年份、星期、星期中的日期)。Date.commercial(1999, 52, 5) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受一个字符串,它会根据启发式解析该字符串。Date.parse('1999-12-31') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.parse('31-12-1999') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.parse('1999-365') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.parse('1999-W52-5') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
接受一个日期字符串和一个格式字符串,然后根据格式字符串解析日期字符串。Date.strptime('1999-12-31', '%Y-%m-%d') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('31-12-1999', '%d-%m-%Y') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('1999-365', '%Y-%j') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('1999-W52-5', '%G-W%V-%u') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('1999 52 5', '%Y %U %w') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('1999 52 5', '%Y %W %u') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31> Date.strptime('fri31dec99', '%a%d%b%y') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
另请参阅 “日期和时间格式中的“专用格式字符串”” 中的专门方法。
参数 limit
¶ ↑
Date 中解析字符串参数的某些单例方法也接受可选关键字参数 limit
当 limit
非负:如果字符串长度大于 limit,则引发
。 -
。 -
返回从 string
(应为有效的 HTTP 日期格式)中解析的值的哈希。
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.httpdate # => "Sat, 03 Feb 2001 00:00:00 GMT" Date._httpdate(s) # => {:wday=>6, :mday=>3, :mon=>2, :year=>2001, :hour=>0, :min=>0, :sec=>0, :zone=>"GMT", :offset=>0}
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__httpdate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__httpdate(str); }
返回从 string
(应包含 ISO 8601 格式日期)中解析的值的哈希。
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.iso8601 # => "2001-02-03" Date._iso8601(s) # => {:mday=>3, :year=>2001, :mon=>2}
参见参数 limit。
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__iso8601(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__iso8601(str); }
返回从 string
(应为有效的 JIS X 0301 日期格式)中解析的值的哈希。
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.jisx0301 # => "H13.02.03" Date._jisx0301(s) # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3}
参见参数 limit。
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__jisx0301(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__jisx0301(str); }
注意:此方法识别 string
中的多种形式,但它不是验证器。有关格式,请参见 “Specialized Format Strings” in Formats for Dates and Times
如果 string
未指定有效日期,则结果不可预测;考虑改用 Date._strptime
返回从 string
Date._parse('2001-02-03') # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3}
如果 comp
为 true
且给定的年份在范围 (0..99)
Date._parse('01-02-03', true) # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3} Date._parse('01-02-03', false) # => {:year=>1, :mon=>2, :mday=>3}
参见参数 limit。
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { return date_s__parse_internal(argc, argv, klass); }
返回从 string
(应为有效的 RFC 2822 日期格式)中解析的值的哈希。
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000" Date._rfc2822(s) # => {:wday=>6, :mday=>3, :mon=>2, :year=>2001, :hour=>0, :min=>0, :sec=>0, :zone=>"+0000", :offset=>0}
参见参数 limit。
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__rfc2822(str); }
返回从 string
中解析的值的哈希,该值应为有效的 RFC 3339 格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc3339 # => "2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00" Date._rfc3339(s) # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3, :hour=>0, :min=>0, :sec=>0, :zone=>"+00:00", :offset=>0}
参见参数 limit。
(返回 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__rfc3339(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__rfc3339(str); }
返回从 string
(应为有效的 RFC 2822 日期格式)中解析的值的哈希。
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000" Date._rfc2822(s) # => {:wday=>6, :mday=>3, :mon=>2, :year=>2001, :hour=>0, :min=>0, :sec=>0, :zone=>"+0000", :offset=>0}
参见参数 limit。
(返回一个 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__rfc2822(str); }
根据给定的 format
返回从 string
Date._strptime('2001-02-03', '%Y-%m-%d') # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3}
对于其他格式,请参见 日期和时间格式。(与 Date.strftime
另请参见 strptime(3)。
(返回 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__strptime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { return date_s__strptime_internal(argc, argv, klass, "%F"); }
返回从 string
中解析的值的哈希,该值应为有效的 XML 日期格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.xmlschema # => "2001-02-03" Date._xmlschema(s) # => {:year=>2001, :mon=>2, :mday=>3}
参见参数 limit。
(返回 Date 对象)。
static VALUE date_s__xmlschema(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &str, &opt); check_limit(str, opt); return date__xmlschema(str); }
与 Date.new
static VALUE date_s_civil(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { return date_initialize(argc, argv, d_lite_s_alloc_simple(klass)); }
返回一个由参数构建的新 Date 对象。
参数 cwyear
参数 cweek
给出年份内周的索引,应在范围 (1..53) 或 (-53..-1) 内;在某些年份,53 或 -53 将超出范围;如果为负,则从年末向后计数
Date.commercial(2022, 1, 1).to_s # => "2022-01-03" Date.commercial(2022, 52, 1).to_s # => "2022-12-26"
参数 cwday
给出周内工作日的索引,应在范围 (1..7) 或 (-7..-1) 内;1 或 -7 是星期一;如果为负,则从周末向后计数
Date.commercial(2022, 1, 1).to_s # => "2022-01-03" Date.commercial(2022, 1, -7).to_s # => "2022-01-03"
当 cweek
为 1 时
如果 1 月 1 日是星期五、星期六或星期日,则第一周从下周开始
Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES[Date.new(2023, 1, 1).wday] # => "Sun" Date.commercial(2023, 1, 1).to_s # => "2023-01-02" Date.commercial(2023, 1, 7).to_s # => "2023-01-08"
否则,第一周是 1 月 1 日所在的一周,这意味着一些日期可能落在前一年
Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES[Date.new(2020, 1, 1).wday] # => "Wed" Date.commercial(2020, 1, 1).to_s # => "2019-12-30" Date.commercial(2020, 1, 7).to_s # => "2020-01-05"
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_commercial(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vw, vd, vsg, y, fr, fr2, ret; int w, d; double sg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "04", &vy, &vw, &vd, &vsg); y = INT2FIX(-4712); w = 1; d = 1; fr2 = INT2FIX(0); sg = DEFAULT_SG; switch (argc) { case 4: val2sg(vsg, sg); case 3: check_numeric(vd, "cwday"); num2int_with_frac(d, positive_inf); case 2: check_numeric(vw, "cweek"); w = NUM2INT(vw); case 1: check_numeric(vy, "year"); y = vy; } { VALUE nth; int ry, rw, rd, rjd, ns; if (!valid_commercial_p(y, w, d, sg, &nth, &ry, &rw, &rd, &rjd, &ns)) rb_raise(eDateError, "invalid date"); ret = d_simple_new_internal(klass, nth, rjd, sg, 0, 0, 0, HAVE_JD); } add_frac(); return ret; }
如果给定的年份在 前溯格里高利历 中是闰年,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.gregorian_leap?(2000) # => true Date.gregorian_leap?(2001) # => false
static VALUE date_s_gregorian_leap_p(VALUE klass, VALUE y) { VALUE nth; int ry; check_numeric(y, "year"); decode_year(y, -1, &nth, &ry); return f_boolcast(c_gregorian_leap_p(ry)); }
使用从 string
中解析的值返回一个新的 Date 对象,它应该是一个有效的 HTTP 日期格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.httpdate # => "Sat, 03 Feb 2001 00:00:00 GMT" Date.httpdate(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_httpdate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("Mon, 01 Jan -4712 00:00:00 GMT"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__httpdate(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
使用从 string
中解析的值返回一个新的 Date 对象,它应该包含一个 ISO 8601 格式日期
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.iso8601 # => "2001-02-03" Date.iso8601(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_iso8601(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); if (!NIL_P(opt)) argc--; switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__iso8601(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
返回一个由参数形成的新 Date 对象
Date.jd(2451944).to_s # => "2001-02-03" Date.jd(2451945).to_s # => "2001-02-04" Date.jd(0).to_s # => "-4712-01-01"
Date::ITALY # => 2299161 Date.jd(Date::ITALY).gregorian? # => true Date.jd(Date::ITALY + 1).gregorian? # => true
Date.jd(Date::ITALY - 1).julian? # => true
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_jd(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vjd, vsg, jd, fr, fr2, ret; double sg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &vjd, &vsg); jd = INT2FIX(0); fr2 = INT2FIX(0); sg = DEFAULT_SG; switch (argc) { case 2: val2sg(vsg, sg); case 1: check_numeric(vjd, "jd"); num2num_with_frac(jd, positive_inf); } { VALUE nth; int rjd; decode_jd(jd, &nth, &rjd); ret = d_simple_new_internal(klass, nth, rjd, sg, 0, 0, 0, HAVE_JD); } add_frac(); return ret; }
使用从 string
中解析的值返回一个新的 Date 对象,它应该是一个有效的 JIS X 0301 格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.jisx0301 # => "H13.02.03" Date.jisx0301(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
Date.jisx0301('13.02.03') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_jisx0301(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); if (!NIL_P(opt)) argc--; switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__jisx0301(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
参见 as_json
# File ext/json/lib/json/add/date.rb, line 10 def self.json_create(object) civil(*object.values_at('y', 'm', 'd', 'sg')) end
如果给定的年份在 前儒略历 中是闰年,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.julian_leap?(1900) # => true Date.julian_leap?(1901) # => false
static VALUE date_s_julian_leap_p(VALUE klass, VALUE y) { VALUE nth; int ry; check_numeric(y, "year"); decode_year(y, +1, &nth, &ry); return f_boolcast(c_julian_leap_p(ry)); }
如果给定的年份在 前溯格里高利历 中是闰年,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.gregorian_leap?(2000) # => true Date.gregorian_leap?(2001) # => false
static VALUE date_s_gregorian_leap_p(VALUE klass, VALUE y) { VALUE nth; int ry; check_numeric(y, "year"); decode_year(y, -1, &nth, &ry); return f_boolcast(c_gregorian_leap_p(ry)); }
返回一个由给定参数构建的新 Date 对象
Date.new(2022).to_s # => "2022-01-01" Date.new(2022, 2).to_s # => "2022-02-01" Date.new(2022, 2, 4).to_s # => "2022-02-04"
Date.new(2022, -11, 4).to_s # => "2022-02-04"
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE vy, vm, vd, vsg, y, fr, fr2, ret; int m, d; double sg; struct SimpleDateData *dat = rb_check_typeddata(self, &d_lite_type); if (!simple_dat_p(dat)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Date expected"); } rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "04", &vy, &vm, &vd, &vsg); y = INT2FIX(-4712); m = 1; d = 1; fr2 = INT2FIX(0); sg = DEFAULT_SG; switch (argc) { case 4: val2sg(vsg, sg); case 3: check_numeric(vd, "day"); num2int_with_frac(d, positive_inf); case 2: check_numeric(vm, "month"); m = NUM2INT(vm); case 1: check_numeric(vy, "year"); y = vy; } if (guess_style(y, sg) < 0) { VALUE nth; int ry, rm, rd; if (!valid_gregorian_p(y, m, d, &nth, &ry, &rm, &rd)) rb_raise(eDateError, "invalid date"); set_to_simple(self, dat, nth, 0, sg, ry, rm, rd, HAVE_CIVIL); } else { VALUE nth; int ry, rm, rd, rjd, ns; if (!valid_civil_p(y, m, d, sg, &nth, &ry, &rm, &rd, &rjd, &ns)) rb_raise(eDateError, "invalid date"); set_to_simple(self, dat, nth, rjd, sg, ry, rm, rd, HAVE_JD | HAVE_CIVIL); } ret = self; add_frac(); return ret; }
返回由参数形成的新 Date 对象。
如果没有参数,则返回 -4712 年 1 月 1 日的日期
Date.ordinal.to_s # => "-4712-01-01"
,则返回该年的 1 月 1 日的日期
Date.ordinal(2001).to_s # => "2001-01-01" Date.ordinal(-2001).to_s # => "-2001-01-01"
== n
Date.ordinal(2001, 14).to_s # => "2001-01-14"
Date.ordinal(2001, -14).to_s # => "2001-12-18"
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_ordinal(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vd, vsg, y, fr, fr2, ret; int d; double sg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &vy, &vd, &vsg); y = INT2FIX(-4712); d = 1; fr2 = INT2FIX(0); sg = DEFAULT_SG; switch (argc) { case 3: val2sg(vsg, sg); case 2: check_numeric(vd, "yday"); num2int_with_frac(d, positive_inf); case 1: check_numeric(vy, "year"); y = vy; } { VALUE nth; int ry, rd, rjd, ns; if (!valid_ordinal_p(y, d, sg, &nth, &ry, &rd, &rjd, &ns)) rb_raise(eDateError, "invalid date"); ret = d_simple_new_internal(klass, nth, rjd, sg, 0, 0, 0, HAVE_JD); } add_frac(); return ret; }
解析的值的新 Date 对象
Date.parse('2001-02-03') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.parse('20010203') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.parse('3rd Feb 2001') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
如果 comp
为 true
且给定的年份在范围 (0..99)
Date.parse('01-02-03', true) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.parse('01-02-03', false) # => #<Date: 0001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, comp, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03:", &str, &comp, &sg, &opt); if (!NIL_P(opt)) argc--; switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01"); case 1: comp = Qtrue; case 2: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 2; VALUE argv2[3], hash; argv2[0] = str; argv2[1] = comp; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__parse(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
解析的值的新 Date 对象,该对象应为有效的RFC 2822 日期格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000" Date.rfc2822(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("Mon, 1 Jan -4712 00:00:00 +0000"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__rfc2822(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
解析的值的新 Date 对象,该对象应为有效的RFC 3339 格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc3339 # => "2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00" Date.rfc3339(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_rfc3339(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); if (!NIL_P(opt)) argc--; switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__rfc3339(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
解析的值的新 Date 对象,该对象应为有效的RFC 2822 日期格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000" Date.rfc2822(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("Mon, 1 Jan -4712 00:00:00 +0000"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__rfc2822(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
解析的值的新 Date 对象
Date.strptime('2001-02-03', '%Y-%m-%d') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('03-02-2001', '%d-%m-%Y') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('2001-034', '%Y-%j') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('2001-W05-6', '%G-W%V-%u') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('2001 04 6', '%Y %U %w') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('2001 05 6', '%Y %W %u') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03> Date.strptime('sat3feb01', '%a%d%b%y') # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
对于其他格式,请参见 日期和时间格式。(与 Date.strftime
请参见参数 start。
另请参见 strptime(3)。
static VALUE date_s_strptime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, fmt, sg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &str, &fmt, &sg); switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01"); case 1: fmt = rb_str_new2("%F"); case 2: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; argv2[1] = fmt; hash = date_s__strptime(2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
返回一个由当前日期构造的新 Date 对象
Date.today.to_s # => "2022-07-06"
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_today(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vsg, nth, ret; double sg; time_t t; struct tm tm; int y, ry, m, d; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vsg); if (argc < 1) sg = DEFAULT_SG; else val2sg(vsg, sg); if (time(&t) == -1) rb_sys_fail("time"); tzset(); if (!localtime_r(&t, &tm)) rb_sys_fail("localtime"); y = tm.tm_year + 1900; m = tm.tm_mon + 1; d = tm.tm_mday; decode_year(INT2FIX(y), -1, &nth, &ry); ret = d_simple_new_internal(klass, nth, 0, GREGORIAN, ry, m, d, HAVE_CIVIL); { get_d1(ret); set_sg(dat, sg); } return ret; }
如果参数定义了一个有效的序数日期,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, 3) # => true Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, 29) # => false Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, -1) # => true
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_valid_civil_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vm, vd, vsg; VALUE argv2[4]; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &vy, &vm, &vd, &vsg); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vy); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vm); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vd); argv2[0] = vy; argv2[1] = vm; argv2[2] = vd; if (argc < 4) argv2[3] = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); else argv2[3] = vsg; if (NIL_P(valid_civil_sub(4, argv2, klass, 0))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
如果参数定义了一个有效的商业日期,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.valid_commercial?(2001, 5, 6) # => true Date.valid_commercial?(2001, 5, 8) # => false
参见 Date.commercial
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_valid_commercial_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vw, vd, vsg; VALUE argv2[4]; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &vy, &vw, &vd, &vsg); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vy); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vw); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vd); argv2[0] = vy; argv2[1] = vw; argv2[2] = vd; if (argc < 4) argv2[3] = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); else argv2[3] = vsg; if (NIL_P(valid_commercial_sub(4, argv2, klass, 0))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
如果参数定义了一个有效的序数日期,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, 3) # => true Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, 29) # => false Date.valid_date?(2001, 2, -1) # => true
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_valid_civil_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vm, vd, vsg; VALUE argv2[4]; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &vy, &vm, &vd, &vsg); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vy); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vm); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vd); argv2[0] = vy; argv2[1] = vm; argv2[2] = vd; if (argc < 4) argv2[3] = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); else argv2[3] = vsg; if (NIL_P(valid_civil_sub(4, argv2, klass, 0))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
为了兼容性而实现;返回 true
,除非 jd
无效(即,不是 Numeric
Date.valid_jd?(2451944) # => true
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_valid_jd_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vjd, vsg; VALUE argv2[2]; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &vjd, &vsg); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vjd); argv2[0] = vjd; if (argc < 2) argv2[1] = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); else argv2[1] = vsg; if (NIL_P(valid_jd_sub(2, argv2, klass, 0))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
如果参数定义了一个有效的序数日期,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.valid_ordinal?(2001, 34) # => true Date.valid_ordinal?(2001, 366) # => false
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE date_s_valid_ordinal_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE vy, vd, vsg; VALUE argv2[3]; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &vy, &vd, &vsg); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vy); RETURN_FALSE_UNLESS_NUMERIC(vd); argv2[0] = vy; argv2[1] = vd; if (argc < 3) argv2[2] = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); else argv2[2] = vsg; if (NIL_P(valid_ordinal_sub(3, argv2, klass, 0))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; }
返回一个新 Date 对象,其值从 string
中解析,它应为有效的 XML 日期格式
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) s = d.xmlschema # => "2001-02-03" Date.xmlschema(s) # => #<Date: 2001-02-03>
参数 start。
参数 limit。
static VALUE date_s_xmlschema(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE str, sg, opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02:", &str, &sg, &opt); if (!NIL_P(opt)) argc--; switch (argc) { case 0: str = rb_str_new2("-4712-01-01"); case 1: sg = INT2FIX(DEFAULT_SG); } { int argc2 = 1; VALUE argv2[2], hash; argv2[0] = str; if (!NIL_P(opt)) argv2[argc2++] = opt; hash = date_s__xmlschema(argc2, argv2, klass); return d_new_by_frags(klass, hash, sg); } }
返回一个指向 self 之后 other
天的日期对象。other 应为一个数字值。如果 other 是一个分数,则假定其精度最多为纳秒。
Date.new(2001,2,3) + 1 #=> #<Date: 2001-02-04 ...> DateTime.new(2001,2,3) + Rational(1,2) #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T12:00:00+00:00 ...> DateTime.new(2001,2,3) + Rational(-1,2) #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-02T12:00:00+00:00 ...> DateTime.jd(0,12) + DateTime.new(2001,2,3).ajd #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00 ...>
static VALUE d_lite_plus(VALUE self, VALUE other) { int try_rational = 1; get_d1(self); again: switch (TYPE(other)) { case T_FIXNUM: { VALUE nth; long t; int jd; nth = m_nth(dat); t = FIX2LONG(other); if (DIV(t, CM_PERIOD)) { nth = f_add(nth, INT2FIX(DIV(t, CM_PERIOD))); t = MOD(t, CM_PERIOD); } if (!t) jd = m_jd(dat); else { jd = m_jd(dat) + (int)t; canonicalize_jd(nth, jd); } if (simple_dat_p(dat)) return d_simple_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, dat->s.sg, 0, 0, 0, (dat->s.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~HAVE_CIVIL); else return d_complex_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, dat->c.df, dat->c.sf, dat->c.of, dat->c.sg, 0, 0, 0, #ifndef USE_PACK dat->c.hour, dat->c.min, dat->c.sec, #else EX_HOUR(dat->c.pc), EX_MIN(dat->c.pc), EX_SEC(dat->c.pc), #endif (dat->c.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~HAVE_CIVIL); } break; case T_BIGNUM: { VALUE nth; int jd, s; if (f_positive_p(other)) s = +1; else { s = -1; other = f_negate(other); } nth = f_idiv(other, INT2FIX(CM_PERIOD)); jd = FIX2INT(f_mod(other, INT2FIX(CM_PERIOD))); if (s < 0) { nth = f_negate(nth); jd = -jd; } if (!jd) jd = m_jd(dat); else { jd = m_jd(dat) + jd; canonicalize_jd(nth, jd); } if (f_zero_p(nth)) nth = m_nth(dat); else nth = f_add(m_nth(dat), nth); if (simple_dat_p(dat)) return d_simple_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, dat->s.sg, 0, 0, 0, (dat->s.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~HAVE_CIVIL); else return d_complex_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, dat->c.df, dat->c.sf, dat->c.of, dat->c.sg, 0, 0, 0, #ifndef USE_PACK dat->c.hour, dat->c.min, dat->c.sec, #else EX_HOUR(dat->c.pc), EX_MIN(dat->c.pc), EX_SEC(dat->c.pc), #endif (dat->c.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~HAVE_CIVIL); } break; case T_FLOAT: { double jd, o, tmp; int s, df; VALUE nth, sf; o = RFLOAT_VALUE(other); if (o > 0) s = +1; else { s = -1; o = -o; } o = modf(o, &tmp); if (!floor(tmp / CM_PERIOD)) { nth = INT2FIX(0); jd = (int)tmp; } else { double i, f; f = modf(tmp / CM_PERIOD, &i); nth = f_floor(DBL2NUM(i)); jd = (int)(f * CM_PERIOD); } o *= DAY_IN_SECONDS; o = modf(o, &tmp); df = (int)tmp; o *= SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS; sf = INT2FIX((int)round(o)); if (s < 0) { jd = -jd; df = -df; sf = f_negate(sf); } if (f_zero_p(sf)) sf = m_sf(dat); else { sf = f_add(m_sf(dat), sf); if (f_lt_p(sf, INT2FIX(0))) { df -= 1; sf = f_add(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS)); } else if (f_ge_p(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS))) { df += 1; sf = f_sub(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS)); } } if (!df) df = m_df(dat); else { df = m_df(dat) + df; if (df < 0) { jd -= 1; df += DAY_IN_SECONDS; } else if (df >= DAY_IN_SECONDS) { jd += 1; df -= DAY_IN_SECONDS; } } if (!jd) jd = m_jd(dat); else { jd = m_jd(dat) + jd; canonicalize_jd(nth, jd); } if (f_zero_p(nth)) nth = m_nth(dat); else nth = f_add(m_nth(dat), nth); if (!df && f_zero_p(sf) && !m_of(dat)) return d_simple_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, (int)jd, m_sg(dat), 0, 0, 0, (dat->s.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~(HAVE_CIVIL | HAVE_TIME | COMPLEX_DAT)); else return d_complex_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, (int)jd, df, sf, m_of(dat), m_sg(dat), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (dat->c.flags | HAVE_JD | HAVE_DF) & ~(HAVE_CIVIL | HAVE_TIME)); } break; default: expect_numeric(other); other = f_to_r(other); if (!k_rational_p(other)) { if (!try_rational) Check_Type(other, T_RATIONAL); try_rational = 0; goto again; } /* fall through */ case T_RATIONAL: { VALUE nth, sf, t; int jd, df, s; if (wholenum_p(other)) { other = rb_rational_num(other); goto again; } if (f_positive_p(other)) s = +1; else { s = -1; other = f_negate(other); } nth = f_idiv(other, INT2FIX(CM_PERIOD)); t = f_mod(other, INT2FIX(CM_PERIOD)); jd = FIX2INT(f_idiv(t, INT2FIX(1))); t = f_mod(t, INT2FIX(1)); t = f_mul(t, INT2FIX(DAY_IN_SECONDS)); df = FIX2INT(f_idiv(t, INT2FIX(1))); t = f_mod(t, INT2FIX(1)); sf = f_mul(t, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS)); if (s < 0) { nth = f_negate(nth); jd = -jd; df = -df; sf = f_negate(sf); } if (f_zero_p(sf)) sf = m_sf(dat); else { sf = f_add(m_sf(dat), sf); if (f_lt_p(sf, INT2FIX(0))) { df -= 1; sf = f_add(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS)); } else if (f_ge_p(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS))) { df += 1; sf = f_sub(sf, INT2FIX(SECOND_IN_NANOSECONDS)); } } if (!df) df = m_df(dat); else { df = m_df(dat) + df; if (df < 0) { jd -= 1; df += DAY_IN_SECONDS; } else if (df >= DAY_IN_SECONDS) { jd += 1; df -= DAY_IN_SECONDS; } } if (!jd) jd = m_jd(dat); else { jd = m_jd(dat) + jd; canonicalize_jd(nth, jd); } if (f_zero_p(nth)) nth = m_nth(dat); else nth = f_add(m_nth(dat), nth); if (!df && f_zero_p(sf) && !m_of(dat)) return d_simple_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, m_sg(dat), 0, 0, 0, (dat->s.flags | HAVE_JD) & ~(HAVE_CIVIL | HAVE_TIME | COMPLEX_DAT)); else return d_complex_new_internal(rb_obj_class(self), nth, jd, df, sf, m_of(dat), m_sg(dat), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (dat->c.flags | HAVE_JD | HAVE_DF) & ~(HAVE_CIVIL | HAVE_TIME)); } break; } }
如果 other 是一个日期对象,则返回两个日期之间的差值。如果 other 是一个数字值,则返回一个指向 self 之前 other
天的日期对象。如果 other 是一个分数,则假定其精度最多为纳秒。
Date.new(2001,2,3) - 1 #=> #<Date: 2001-02-02 ...> DateTime.new(2001,2,3) - Rational(1,2) #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-02T12:00:00+00:00 ...> Date.new(2001,2,3) - Date.new(2001) #=> (33/1) DateTime.new(2001,2,3) - DateTime.new(2001,2,2,12) #=> (1/2)
static VALUE d_lite_minus(VALUE self, VALUE other) { if (k_date_p(other)) return minus_dd(self, other); switch (TYPE(other)) { case T_FIXNUM: return d_lite_plus(self, LONG2NUM(-FIX2LONG(other))); case T_FLOAT: return d_lite_plus(self, DBL2NUM(-RFLOAT_VALUE(other))); default: expect_numeric(other); /* fall through */ case T_BIGNUM: case T_RATIONAL: return d_lite_plus(self, f_negate(other)); } }
返回一个表示日期提前 n
个月的新 Date 对象;n
(Date.new(2001, 2, 3) << 1).to_s # => "2001-01-03" (Date.new(2001, 2, 3) << -2).to_s # => "2001-04-03"
(Date.new(2001, 3, 31) << 1).to_s # => "2001-02-28" (Date.new(2001, 3, 31) << -6).to_s # => "2001-09-30"
d0 = Date.new(2001, 3, 31) d0 << 2 # => #<Date: 2001-01-31> d0 << 1 << 1 # => #<Date: 2001-01-28> d0 = Date.new(2001, 3, 31) d1 = d0 << 1 # => #<Date: 2001-02-28> d2 = d1 << -1 # => #<Date: 2001-03-28>
static VALUE d_lite_lshift(VALUE self, VALUE other) { expect_numeric(other); return d_lite_rshift(self, f_negate(other)); }
比较 self
和 other
较大。 -
如果两者相等。 -
较小。 -
参数 other
另一个 Date 对象
d = Date.new(2022, 7, 27) # => #<Date: 2022-07-27 ((2459788j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> prev_date = d.prev_day # => #<Date: 2022-07-26 ((2459787j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> next_date = d.next_day # => #<Date: 2022-07-28 ((2459789j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> d <=> next_date # => -1 d <=> d # => 0 d <=> prev_date # => 1
对象d <=> DateTime.new(2022, 7, 26) # => 1 d <=> DateTime.new(2022, 7, 27) # => 0 d <=> DateTime.new(2022, 7, 28) # => -1
进行比较)d <=> 2459788 # => -1 d <=> 2459787 # => 1 d <=> 2459786 # => 1 d <=> d.ajd # => 0
d <=> Object.new # => nil
static VALUE d_lite_cmp(VALUE self, VALUE other) { if (!k_date_p(other)) return cmp_gen(self, other); { get_d2(self, other); if (!(simple_dat_p(adat) && simple_dat_p(bdat) && m_gregorian_p(adat) == m_gregorian_p(bdat))) return cmp_dd(self, other); { VALUE a_nth, b_nth; int a_jd, b_jd; m_canonicalize_jd(self, adat); m_canonicalize_jd(other, bdat); a_nth = m_nth(adat); b_nth = m_nth(bdat); if (f_eqeq_p(a_nth, b_nth)) { a_jd = m_jd(adat); b_jd = m_jd(bdat); if (a_jd == b_jd) { return INT2FIX(0); } else if (a_jd < b_jd) { return INT2FIX(-1); } else { return INT2FIX(1); } } else if (f_lt_p(a_nth, b_nth)) { return INT2FIX(-1); } else { return INT2FIX(1); } } } }
如果 self
和 other
表示同一天,则返回 true
,如果不相同,则返回 false
,如果两者不可比较,则返回 nil
参数 other
另一个 Date 对象
d = Date.new(2022, 7, 27) # => #<Date: 2022-07-27 ((2459788j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> prev_date = d.prev_day # => #<Date: 2022-07-26 ((2459787j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> next_date = d.next_day # => #<Date: 2022-07-28 ((2459789j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> d === prev_date # => false d === d # => true d === next_date # => false
对象d === DateTime.new(2022, 7, 26) # => false d === DateTime.new(2022, 7, 27) # => true d === DateTime.new(2022, 7, 28) # => false
进行比较)d === 2459788 # => true d === 2459787 # => false d === 2459786 # => false d === d.jd # => true
d === Object.new # => nil
static VALUE d_lite_equal(VALUE self, VALUE other) { if (!k_date_p(other)) return equal_gen(self, other); { get_d2(self, other); if (!(m_gregorian_p(adat) == m_gregorian_p(bdat))) return equal_gen(self, other); { VALUE a_nth, b_nth; int a_jd, b_jd; m_canonicalize_jd(self, adat); m_canonicalize_jd(other, bdat); a_nth = m_nth(adat); b_nth = m_nth(bdat); a_jd = m_local_jd(adat); b_jd = m_local_jd(bdat); if (f_eqeq_p(a_nth, b_nth) && a_jd == b_jd) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } } }
返回一个新的 Date 对象,表示 n
(Date.new(2001, 2, 3) >> 1).to_s # => "2001-03-03" (Date.new(2001, 2, 3) >> -2).to_s # => "2000-12-03"
(Date.new(2001, 1, 31) >> 1).to_s # => "2001-02-28" (Date.new(2001, 1, 31) >> -4).to_s # => "2000-09-30"
d0 = Date.new(2001, 1, 31) d1 = d0 >> 1 # => #<Date: 2001-02-28> d2 = d1 >> 1 # => #<Date: 2001-03-28> d0 = Date.new(2001, 1, 31) d1 = d0 >> 1 # => #<Date: 2001-02-28> d2 = d1 >> -1 # => #<Date: 2001-01-28>
static VALUE d_lite_rshift(VALUE self, VALUE other) { VALUE t, y, nth, rjd2; int m, d, rjd; double sg; get_d1(self); t = f_add3(f_mul(m_real_year(dat), INT2FIX(12)), INT2FIX(m_mon(dat) - 1), other); if (FIXNUM_P(t)) { long it = FIX2LONG(t); y = LONG2NUM(DIV(it, 12)); it = MOD(it, 12); m = (int)it + 1; } else { y = f_idiv(t, INT2FIX(12)); t = f_mod(t, INT2FIX(12)); m = FIX2INT(t) + 1; } d = m_mday(dat); sg = m_sg(dat); while (1) { int ry, rm, rd, ns; if (valid_civil_p(y, m, d, sg, &nth, &ry, &rm, &rd, &rjd, &ns)) break; if (--d < 1) rb_raise(eDateError, "invalid date"); } encode_jd(nth, rjd, &rjd2); return d_lite_plus(self, f_sub(rjd2, m_real_local_jd(dat))); }
DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'+7').ajd #=> (11769328217/4800) DateTime.new(2001,2,2,14,5,6,'-7').ajd #=> (11769328217/4800)
static VALUE d_lite_ajd(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return m_ajd(dat); }
DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'+7').amjd #=> (249325817/4800) DateTime.new(2001,2,2,14,5,6,'-7').amjd #=> (249325817/4800)
static VALUE d_lite_amjd(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return m_amjd(dat); }
方法 Date#as_json
和 Date.json_create
可用于序列化和反序列化 Date 对象;请参见 Marshal
方法 Date#as_json
序列化 self
,返回一个表示 self
的 2 元素哈希
require 'json/add/date' x = Date.today.as_json # => {"json_class"=>"Date", "y"=>2023, "m"=>11, "d"=>21, "sg"=>2299161.0}
方法 JSON.create
反序列化此类哈希,返回一个 Date 对象
Date.json_create(x) # => #<Date: 2023-11-21 ((2460270j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
# File ext/json/lib/json/add/date.rb, line 32 def as_json(*) { JSON.create_id => self.class.name, 'y' => year, 'm' => month, 'd' => day, 'sg' => start, } end
返回 self
的商业日期星期几索引(请参见 Date.commercial
);1 为星期一
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).cwday # => 6
static VALUE d_lite_cwday(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return INT2FIX(m_cwday(dat)); }
返回 self
的商业日期星期索引(请参见 Date.commercial
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).cweek # => 5
static VALUE d_lite_cweek(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return INT2FIX(m_cweek(dat)); }
返回 self
的商业日期年份(请参见 Date.commercial
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).cwyear # => 2001 Date.new(2000, 1, 1).cwyear # => 1999
static VALUE d_lite_cwyear(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return m_real_cwyear(dat); }
返回范围 (Rational(0, 1)…Rational(1, 1)) 中的日期的小数部分
DateTime.new(2001,2,3,12).day_fraction # => (1/2)
static VALUE d_lite_day_fraction(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); if (simple_dat_p(dat)) return INT2FIX(0); return m_fr(dat); }
d = Date.new(2022, 10, 5) if d in wday: 3, day: ..7 # uses deconstruct_keys underneath puts "first Wednesday of the month" end #=> prints "first Wednesday of the month" case d in year: ...2022 puts "too old" in month: ..9 puts "quarter 1-3" in wday: 1..5, month: puts "working day in month #{month}" end #=> prints "working day in month 10"
if d in Date(wday: 3, day: ..7) puts "first Wednesday of the month" end
static VALUE d_lite_deconstruct_keys(VALUE self, VALUE keys) { return deconstruct_keys(self, keys, /* is_datetime=false */ 0); }
等效于 step
,其中参数为 min
和 -1
static VALUE d_lite_downto(VALUE self, VALUE min) { VALUE date; RETURN_ENUMERATOR(self, 1, &min); date = self; while (FIX2INT(d_lite_cmp(date, min)) >= 0) { rb_yield(date); date = d_lite_plus(date, INT2FIX(-1)); } return self; }
等效于 Date#new_start
,其中参数为 Date::ENGLAND
static VALUE d_lite_england(VALUE self) { return dup_obj_with_new_start(self, ENGLAND); }
如果 self
是星期五,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_friday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 5); }
等效于 Date#new_start
,其中参数为 Date::GREGORIAN
static VALUE d_lite_gregorian(VALUE self) { return dup_obj_with_new_start(self, GREGORIAN); }
如果日期在历法改革日期或之后,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.new(1582, 10, 15).gregorian? # => true (Date.new(1582, 10, 15) - 1).gregorian? # => false
static VALUE d_lite_gregorian_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_gregorian_p(dat)); }
返回 false
# File ext/date/lib/date.rb, line 13 def infinite? false end
返回 self
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).inspect # => "#<Date: 2001-02-03 ((2451944j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>"
static VALUE d_lite_inspect(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return mk_inspect(dat, rb_obj_class(self), self); }
等效于 strftime
,其中参数为 '%Y-%m-%d'
(或其 简写形式 '%F'
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).iso8601 # => "2001-02-03"
static VALUE d_lite_iso8601(VALUE self) { return strftimev("%Y-%m-%d", self, set_tmx); }
等效于 Date#new_start
,其中参数为 Date::ITALY
static VALUE d_lite_italy(VALUE self) { return dup_obj_with_new_start(self, ITALY); }
DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'+7').jd #=> 2451944 DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'-7').jd #=> 2451944
static VALUE d_lite_jd(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return m_real_local_jd(dat); }
返回 self
中日期的 JIS X 0301 格式的字符串表示形式。
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).jisx0301 # => "H13.02.03"
static VALUE d_lite_jisx0301(VALUE self) { char fmtbuf[JISX0301_DATE_SIZE]; const char *fmt; get_d1(self); fmt = jisx0301_date_format(fmtbuf, sizeof(fmtbuf), m_real_local_jd(dat), m_real_year(dat)); return strftimev(fmt, self, set_tmx); }
相当于 Date#new_start
,带有参数 Date::JULIAN
static VALUE d_lite_julian(VALUE self) { return dup_obj_with_new_start(self, JULIAN); }
如果日期在日历改革日期之前,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
(Date.new(1582, 10, 15) - 1).julian? # => true Date.new(1582, 10, 15).julian? # => false
static VALUE d_lite_julian_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_julian_p(dat)); }
返回 莉莲日编号,即自格里高利历开始(1582 年 10 月 15 日)以来的天数。
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).ld # => 152784
static VALUE d_lite_ld(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_sub(m_real_local_jd(dat), INT2FIX(2299160)); }
如果年份是闰年,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Date.new(2000).leap? # => true Date.new(2001).leap? # => false
static VALUE d_lite_leap_p(VALUE self) { int rjd, ns, ry, rm, rd; get_d1(self); if (m_gregorian_p(dat)) return f_boolcast(c_gregorian_leap_p(m_year(dat))); c_civil_to_jd(m_year(dat), 3, 1, m_virtual_sg(dat), &rjd, &ns); c_jd_to_civil(rjd - 1, m_virtual_sg(dat), &ry, &rm, &rd); return f_boolcast(rd == 29); }
DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'+7').mjd #=> 51943 DateTime.new(2001,2,3,4,5,6,'-7').mjd #=> 51943
static VALUE d_lite_mjd(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_sub(m_real_local_jd(dat), INT2FIX(2400001)); }
返回范围 (1..12) 中的月份
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).mon # => 2
static VALUE d_lite_mon(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return INT2FIX(m_mon(dat)); }
如果 self
是星期一,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_monday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 1); }
返回 self
的副本,带有给定的 start
d0 = Date.new(2000, 2, 3) d0.julian? # => false d1 = d0.new_start(Date::JULIAN) d1.julian? # => true
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE d_lite_new_start(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE vsg; double sg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vsg); sg = DEFAULT_SG; if (argc >= 1) val2sg(vsg, sg); return dup_obj_with_new_start(self, sg); }
返回一个表示下一天的新 Date 对象
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3) d.to_s # => "2001-02-03" d.next.to_s # => "2001-02-04"
static VALUE d_lite_next(VALUE self) { return d_lite_next_day(0, (VALUE *)NULL, self); }
相当于 Date#+
,带有参数 n
static VALUE d_lite_next_day(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_plus(self, n); }
等同于带有参数 n
的 >>
static VALUE d_lite_next_month(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_rshift(self, n); }
等同于带有参数 n * 12
的 >>
static VALUE d_lite_next_year(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_rshift(self, f_mul(n, INT2FIX(12))); }
等同于带有参数 n
的 Date#-
static VALUE d_lite_prev_day(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_minus(self, n); }
等同于带有参数 n
的 <<
static VALUE d_lite_prev_month(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_lshift(self, n); }
等同于带有参数 n * 12
的 <<
static VALUE d_lite_prev_year(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE n; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &n); if (argc < 1) n = INT2FIX(1); return d_lite_lshift(self, f_mul(n, INT2FIX(12))); }
等同于带有参数 '%a, %-d %b %Y %T %z'
的 strftime
;请参阅 日期和时间格式
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000"
static VALUE d_lite_rfc2822(VALUE self) { return strftimev("%a, %-d %b %Y %T %z", self, set_tmx); }
如果 self
是星期六,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_saturday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 6); }
返回日历改革的儒略开始日期;如果不是无穷大,则返回的值适合传递给 Date#jd
d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3, Date::ITALY) s = d.start # => 2299161.0 Date.jd(s).to_s # => "1582-10-15" d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3, Date::ENGLAND) s = d.start # => 2361222.0 Date.jd(s).to_s # => "1752-09-14" Date.new(2001, 2, 3, Date::GREGORIAN).start # => -Infinity Date.new(2001, 2, 3, Date::JULIAN).start # => Infinity
请参见参数 start。
static VALUE d_lite_start(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return DBL2NUM(m_sg(dat)); }
使用指定日期调用代码块;返回 self
。 -
是date + step
是以天为单位的数字步长。 -
的最后一个日期,它应该是一个 Date 对象。
limit = Date.new(2001, 12, 31) Date.new(2001).step(limit){|date| p date.to_s if date.mday == 31 }
"2001-01-31" "2001-03-31" "2001-05-31" "2001-07-31" "2001-08-31" "2001-10-31" "2001-12-31"
如果没有给定块,则返回一个 Enumerator
static VALUE d_lite_step(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE limit, step, date; int c; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &limit, &step); if (argc < 2) step = INT2FIX(1); #if 0 if (f_zero_p(step)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "step can't be 0"); #endif RETURN_ENUMERATOR(self, argc, argv); date = self; c = f_cmp(step, INT2FIX(0)); if (c < 0) { while (FIX2INT(d_lite_cmp(date, limit)) >= 0) { rb_yield(date); date = d_lite_plus(date, step); } } else if (c == 0) { while (1) rb_yield(date); } else /* if (c > 0) */ { while (FIX2INT(d_lite_cmp(date, limit)) <= 0) { rb_yield(date); date = d_lite_plus(date, step); } } return self; }
返回 self
中日期的字符串表示形式,根据给定的 format
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).strftime # => "2001-02-03"
对于其他格式,请参见 日期和时间格式。
static VALUE d_lite_strftime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return date_strftime_internal(argc, argv, self, "%Y-%m-%d", set_tmx); }
如果 self
是星期日,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_sunday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 0); }
如果 self
是星期四,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_thursday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 4); }
返回 self
static VALUE date_to_date(VALUE self) { return self; }
返回一个 DateTime
,其值与 self
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).to_datetime # => #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00>
static VALUE date_to_datetime(VALUE self) { get_d1a(self); if (simple_dat_p(adat)) { VALUE new = d_lite_s_alloc_simple(cDateTime); { get_d1b(new); bdat->s = adat->s; return new; } } else { VALUE new = d_lite_s_alloc_complex(cDateTime); { get_d1b(new); bdat->c = adat->c; bdat->c.df = 0; RB_OBJ_WRITE(new, &bdat->c.sf, INT2FIX(0)); #ifndef USE_PACK bdat->c.hour = 0; bdat->c.min = 0; bdat->c.sec = 0; #else bdat->c.pc = PACK5(EX_MON(adat->c.pc), EX_MDAY(adat->c.pc), 0, 0, 0); bdat->c.flags |= HAVE_DF | HAVE_TIME; #endif return new; } } }
返回一个表示 self
require 'json/add/date' puts Date.today.to_json
# File ext/json/lib/json/add/date.rb, line 51 def to_json(*args) as_json.to_json(*args) end
返回 self
中日期的字符串表示形式,采用 ISO 8601 扩展日期格式('%Y-%m-%d'
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).to_s # => "2001-02-03"
static VALUE d_lite_to_s(VALUE self) { return strftimev("%Y-%m-%d", self, set_tmx); }
返回一个新的 Time
对象,其值与 self
相同;如果 self
是儒略日,则推导出其格里高利日以转换为 Time 对象
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).to_time # => 2001-02-03 00:00:00 -0600 Date.new(2001, 2, 3, Date::JULIAN).to_time # => 2001-02-16 00:00:00 -0600
static VALUE date_to_time(VALUE self) { get_d1a(self); if (m_julian_p(adat)) { VALUE tmp = d_lite_gregorian(self); get_d1b(tmp); adat = bdat; } return f_local3(rb_cTime, m_real_year(adat), INT2FIX(m_mon(adat)), INT2FIX(m_mday(adat))); }
如果 self
是星期二,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_tuesday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 2); }
等效于 step
,参数为 max
和 1
static VALUE d_lite_upto(VALUE self, VALUE max) { VALUE date; RETURN_ENUMERATOR(self, 1, &max); date = self; while (FIX2INT(d_lite_cmp(date, max)) <= 0) { rb_yield(date); date = d_lite_plus(date, INT2FIX(1)); } return self; }
返回星期几,范围 (0..6);星期日为 0
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).wday # => 6
static VALUE d_lite_wday(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return INT2FIX(m_wday(dat)); }
如果 self
是星期三,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE d_lite_wednesday_p(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return f_boolcast(m_wday(dat) == 3); }
返回一年中的第几天,范围 (1..366)
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).yday # => 34
static VALUE d_lite_yday(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return INT2FIX(m_yday(dat)); }
Date.new(2001, 2, 3).year # => 2001 (Date.new(1, 1, 1) - 1).year # => 0
static VALUE d_lite_year(VALUE self) { get_d1(self); return m_real_year(dat); }